The Poet’s Path

Departure point from Multia centre to Keuruu 1 km, behind the Halli bridge. The route is part of the regional hiking network of Central Finland. The school path of the poet Einari Vuorela from Multia to Vuorela is approx. 8-9 km of varied terrain. If weather is dry, you can take the route using jogging shoes.

Palsankoski – Housukoski nature trail

The nature trail is located in the popular Palsankoski rapids fishing area 10.5 km from Multia centre in the direction of Karstula. The length of the route is only 1.5 km, so it is very suitable pause for a car ride. Although the route is short, it goes around through a wide range of terrain types. There are large height differences on the route, yet it is relatively easy to go.

Joensuonkangas nature trail

The Joensuonkangas nature reserve in Sahrajärvi, Multia is a representative sample of untouched Finnish nature. The route is a bit over 2 kms and is easy to go. Some natural specialities are marked with signs.

Kulhanvuori and Syväoja Trail

The Kulhanvuori area is located on the border of the municipalities of Multia and Saarijärvi. The area represents diverse and rich nature. There are cliffs, canyons, black ponds, pristine swamps, etc. The area is now a nature reserve, so moving there takes place by marked routes.


Surrounded by steep walls, a gorge lake on the border of Multia and Petäjävesi. The place is suitable for family hiking because you can get a few hundred meters from the destination by car.

The route from Nikara to church

The length of the route is 34 km.

Multia settlement is recorded in the records in 1564 and in the same century the Nikara wilderness house was built in Nikaranperä.

The first inhabitants settled in the Nikara area in the late 1552s. At the time, there were no transport connections in the vast wilderness, except for water bodies. Residents cleared and planned a route towards Multia and Keuruu, where the first church was built in 1628.

Other nature sites

For more information, please contact the Kunnantupa Info Point at tel. +358 40 301 6235 and (also in English) and (only in Finnish) websites.

The description of the sites has been partly based on Risto Sulkava and Pekka Sulkava's guide to valuable natural sites in Multia from 1992.

When moving around in nature, remember everyone's rights (formerly everyman's rights) and hiking etiquette.

Fishing sites

Multia's views are beautified by numerous clear-water lakes, ponds and rivers with more than thirty rapids. Come and experience Multia's good fishing spots.